
July 05, 2024

Important Dates

August 26-Mr.D and our school secretary return to work.

September 03-First Day of School

Year End Message

Thank you GES families for a terrific year!  I look forward to building on our successes from this year and trying out new ideas and setting new goals for next year.  I wish everyone a safe and rewarding summer break.

During the last week of August you will receive information concerning the following so be sure to check your email inbox around that time:

-schedule for first week back at school.  Our first day back is typically one hour and then we move to full days after that.

-instructions on how to pay for your child’s school supplies.  Each family will be asked to pay $20 to the school which will be used by the classroom teacher to buy supplies throughout the year to support your child’s learning. We prefer cash payment for that, so please have that prepared for September so it can be paid right away.

-sign up details for weekly Hot Lunch

-important dates for September and October


In the meantime, enjoy a nice break.  I will be back in the school office beginning August 26 should you wish to connect with me.